A hybrid format of IAUS401 is planned. However, we strongly encourage participants to attend in person. This is important for efficiently managing personal contacts and ensuring an accurate delivery of your message to the audience without interruptions or distortions.
You can participate in two ways:
1. Submitting your abstract for oral or poster communication (deadline):
a) Complete the registration form online (https://forms.gle/nwaDHK4aQUQtbxSWA).
b) Send an abstract following this procedure.
Download the MS Word Abstract Template
Download the LibreOffice Abstract Template
Download the Latex Abstract Template
After submitting your abstract, please wait for your contribution to be accepted before paying the IAUS 401 fee unless you plan to attend the meeting nonetheless.
c) Register at https://backend.congresos.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/ADRESES/ . Log in and submit your abstracts.
d) Payment:
The Argentinian Association of Astronomy (AAA, Asociación Argentina de Astronomía) offers PayPal for the payment of the IAUS 401 fee. Go to the payment page HERE.
2. Attending as a participant (deadline):
a) Complete the registration form online (https://forms.gle/nwaDHK4aQUQtbxSWA).
b) Register at https://backend.congresos.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/ADRESES/ . Log in and submit your abstracts.
c) Payment:
The Argentinian Association of Astronomy (AAA, Asociación Argentina de Astronomía) offers PayPal for the payment of the IAUS 401 fee. Go to the payment page HERE.
Important Note:
Submitting an abstract and its later acceptance is mandatory to be selected as the recipient of an IAU Travel Grant.