The IAU aims to support qualified scientists with limited resources, as stated in the Rules and Guidelines for IAU Scientific Meetings, e.g., colleagues from economically less privileged countries and young scientists, including PhD students. This grant is not intended to support invited speakers, nor members of the Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) or the Local Organizing Committee (LOC).
The IAU Travel Grants will cover part of the expenses associated with the symposium for the selected people, e.g., registration, meals, or accommodation—if possible, a part of travel fees. Hence, the recipients are expected to raise additional funds.
Submitting an abstract and its later acceptance is mandatory to be selected as the recipient of an IAU Travel Grant.
The deadline for the application is April 6, 2025, at 23:59:00 Argentina Time (ART = UTC – 3 h).
How to apply for an IAU Travel Grant:
- Complete the registration form, select the IAU Travel Grant option, and submit your abstract (payment is not required at this time)
- Download and fill out the IAU Grant Application form at, sign it, and e-mail it to iaus401 at Please name the attached file to the mail as iaus401grant_name_surname.pdf with the subject: IAU Travel Grant Name Surname.
- If you are a PhD student or a recent doctorate (< 2 years), submit a brief statement (one page or less) of the importance of your thesis within the context of the Symposium, together with its main achievements and contributions (papers, conferences, etc.). The approval of your PhD adviser must be included with the document. Attach the file as iaus401grantPhD_name_surname.pdf and proceed as in point 2.