04 to 09 August, 2025 | La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Invited Speakers

Plenary talks

Harald Schuh, (GeoForschungsZentrum, Germany)  Earth rotation and reference frames

Patrizia Tavella  (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, France) and Noël Dimarcq, (Université Côte d’Azur, France) Challenges of time metrology

Marco Micheli, (ESA NEO Coordination Centre, Italy) The importance of high-precision astrometry in the orbit determination and ephemeris computation for small bodies

George H. Kaplan, (US Naval Observatory, USA) Building on the Legacy of International Standards

Invited talks

SESSION 1: Earth rotation models and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP)

Christian Bizouard (France); José M. Ferrándiz (Spain); Justyna Śliwińska (Poland); Pengshuo Duan (China)

SESSION 2: Celestial and terrestrial reference systems/frames and their observation

Aletha de Witt (South Africa); Xavier Collilieux (France); Robert Heinkelmann (Germany.); Lucia McCallum (Australia)

SESSION 3: Reference systems/frames for the Moon and other solar system bodies and measuring systems

Brent A. Archinal (USA); Nicolas Rambaux (France); Sergei Klioner (Germany); Luca Porcelli (Italy)

SESSION 4: Time scales and time metrology

Joseph Achkar (France); Tetsuya Ido (Japan); Pascale Defraigne (Belgium)

SESSION 5: Ephemerides of solar system objects

Karen Meech (USA); Federica Spoto (USA); Shantanu Naidu (USA); Luke Dones (USA)

SESSION 6: Astronomical standards

Antonia J. Wilmot (United Kingdom); Sharyl Byram (USA); Detlef Angermann (Germany)