04 to 09 August, 2025 | La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Payment of the fee is open through PayPal from the Argentinian Association of Astronomy (AAA – Asociación Argentina de Astronomía).

The listed deadlines are intended as 23:59:00 Argentina Time (ART = UTC – 3h).

Payment Fees

Early birds

March 3, 2025

Regular Fee

June 29, 2025

In-person attendees



Online attendees



After paying, please send an email to: aaatesoreria at gmail.com; lauraf at fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar

IAUS 401 Regular Fee


With paypal technology
IAUS 401 Online attendees


With paypal technology

All participants in IAUS 401 will have free electronic access to the proceedings (the cost is included in the fee).  In addition, the coffee breaks, an icebreaker cocktail, and the conference dinner are included for in-person attendees. If you are attending IAUS401 with an accompanying person, contact the LOC (iaus401 at fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar).

If you pay with a corporate or institutional credit card, please send an email to the LOC (iaus401 at fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar), clarify that this payment belongs to Your Name, and provide all the data you need to include in the invoice.

Please indicate on the registration form if you would like a hard copy of the proceedings (it will require an extra fee), or contact us later.

The social events for August 9th, 2025, will be announced later and should be paid separately.

If you have a bank account in Argentina, please contact the LOC (iaus401 at fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar) for directions on how to transfer money to the AAA’s accounts.