04 to 09 August, 2025 | La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Practical Information


  • Official Language: Spanish
  • Local time: UTC – 3
  • Currency: Argentinian peso (ARS $)
  • General emergency number: 911 or 107
  • International dial code for Argentina: +54
  • Shop opening hours: Most shops, including grocery stores, open at 9:00 and close at 20:00.


Transportation to La Plata

How to get to La Plata

Weather in La Plata in August

The average temperature in La Plata in August is about 9° to 15°C. There will be some rainy days.

Time zone

Argentina is in the UTC-3:00 time zone. The program will be scheduled using local time. Please be careful when checking the IAUS 401 program as an online attendant.


The Argentinian currency is the Argentinian Peso (AR$). Currently, 1 USD averages ARS$ 1004.

Credit and debit cards are widely accepted. Some shops will accept US dollars. Cash payments in other foreign currencies are not accepted.

You can exchange US dollars or euros at many banks and exchange offices.


The official language in Argentina is Spanish. All the activities of the IAUS401 will be in English.

Food and water

Tap water is safe and fine for consumption, but some people prefer to get bottled water to avoid the taste or chlorine smell produced by water treatment.

Charging and connecting your gadgets

The voltage in La Plata is 220V, 50Hz. The outlets are type I, with three flat pins in a triangular pattern.

Occasionally, you could use a plug type C with two round pins.

We recommend getting an international power plug adapter to avoid running out of batteries.